TI 開發人員專區
運用 TI 開發人員專區,一次備齊一切所需。輕鬆取得軟體、範例,訓練及開發工具。無需安裝數 GB 軟體,即可在線上開始評估和開發。
Resource Explorer 是一種基於 Web 的工具,用於快速瀏覽和存取必要的軟體和文件。搭配 CCS 雲端後,使用者無需下載及安裝本機軟體,即可在評估硬體上執行範例及示範。
SimpleLink Academy 包含用於所有無線連線 TI LaunchPad™ 開發套件的多個示範和文件。每個模組都逐步介紹我們的軟體開發套件 (SDK) 中的示範,以展示設備的功能。
主題範圍涵蓋無線連線範例和即時作業系統 (RTOS) 基礎知識、多協定作業和進階設備功能,可滿足您的應用需求。
SysConfig 提供直覺式圖形使用者介面,可用於配置接腳、周邊設備、無線電、軟體堆疊、RTOS 和其他元件。SysConfig 會自動偵測、找出並解決衝突,以加速軟體開發。
其以獨立應用或雲端應用方式作爲 Code Composer Studio 軟體一部分提供。
透過將外部元件整合到單一模組中並利用 TI 無線認證,加速上市時間。將周圍的被動元件內部化可簡化您的製造供應鏈和設計工作。每個模組都通過全球主要監管機構的認證,可省去昂貴 RF 設備、工程和投資的需求。
低成本、模組化和開放原始碼硬體生態系統,無需投入大量資源即可快速評估 TI 設備
TI LaunchPad 開發套件旨在讓您透過隨插即用功能輕鬆編程和偵錯。使用符合法規要求的硬體,測試我們可擴充產品組合的所有功能。我們的開發套件可在線上及離線模式無縫運作,可協助您更快地將產品推向市場。
請參閱下方 LaunchPad 生態系統的部分硬體開發工具清單。
SimpleLink 硬體設計審核流程提供一對一接觸的方式,並由主題內容專家協助審查您的設計,提供您寶貴的意見。請遵循簡單的三步驟流程申請審核。
Sub-1 GHz、Wi-SUN、Amazon Sidewalk 和多協定
CC1312R7 LaunchPad™ development kit for SimpleLink™ multi-standard wireless MCU
This LaunchPad™ development kit is used to speed development with the SimpleLink™ Sub-1 GHz CC1312R7 wireless MCU. Software support is provided by the CC13XX-CC26XX software development kit (SDK).
CC1312R LaunchPad™ development kit for sub-1-GHz SimpleLink™ wireless MCU
Bluetooth® 低耗能、Matter、Thread 和 Zigbee®
CC2340R5 LaunchPad™ development kit for SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® 5.3 Low Energy MCU
This LaunchPad development kit is used to speed up development with the SimpleLink Bluetooth Low Energy MCU with support for Bluetooth 5 Low Energy (LE), and 2.4-GHz proprietary protocols. Software support is provided by the SimpleLink Low Power F3 software development kit (SDK).
CC2652RB LaunchPad™ development kit for BAW multi-protocol 2.4-GHz SimpleLink™ wireless MCU
This LaunchPad™ is used to get started with the SimpleLink™ crystal-less BAW CC2652RB multiprotocol wireless MCU with support for Bluetooth®, Zigbee®, and Thread. Software support is provided by the CC13X2-CC26X2 software development kit (SDK).
CC2652R7 LaunchPad™ development kit for SimpleLink™ multi-standard wireless MCU
This LaunchPad™ is used to speed development with the SimpleLink™ Multi-Standard CC2652R7 wireless MCU with support for Bluetooth®, Zigbee® and Thread. Software support is provided by the SimpleLink CC13XX-CC26XX software development kit (SDK).
Wi-Fi® 和 Matter
CC3235S dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU
The SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3235S dual band LaunchPad™ development kit (LAUNCHXL-CC3235S) highlights CC3235S, a single-chip security solution and wireless microcontroller (MCU) which integrates a user application dedicated ARM® cortex®-M4 MCU and a network processor that runs (...)
SimpleLink™ CC3301 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy BoosterPack™ plug-in module
The SimpleLink™ CC3301 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy devices enable affordable, reliable and secure connectivity in embedded applications with a processor host running Linux® or an MCU host running RTOS. The CC3301 BoosterPack™ plug-in module (BP-CC3301) is a test and (...)
SimpleLink SDK 為各種無線通訊協定的開發提供了全面且可移植的軟體套件。
TI SimpleLink SDK 支援各種藍牙設定檔和角色,並提供可作為您的應用起點的範例。TI 始終如一地維護 SDK,以確保其符合最新的藍牙核心規範並獲得認證。
處理器和 MCU 與 TI 軟體的互通性支援最新的 Wi-Fi 連線標準,包括 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)。可輕鬆整合到基於 Linux® 和 RTOS 的系統中,讓您可以放心地連接物聯網設備。
SDK 中的所有範例應用程式 (HTTP、訊息佇列遙測傳輸、Matter、佈建) 都受到多個 IDE (Code Composer Studio™ 軟體和 IAR Embedded Workbench) 和作業系統 (無 OS、TI-RTOS、FreeRTOS) 支援。
TI SimpleLink SDK 支援 Matter、TI 15.4-Stack、Wi-SUN、Amazon Sidewalk 等無線通訊協定和專有通訊協定。動態多協定的並行作業支援低功耗藍牙和 TI 15.4、Zigbee 或專有的 Sub-1 GHz。
SimpleLink™ low power software development kits (SDKs)
The SimpleLink™ Low Power SDKs support the CC13xx, CC23xx and CC26xx family of products. Together, these SDKs provide comprehensive software packages for the development of Sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz applications including support for Bluetooth® Low Energy, Mesh, Zigbee®, Matter, Thread, (...)
SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC32xx software development kit (SDK)
The SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC32XX SDK contains drivers for the CC3220 and CC3235 programmable MCU and documentation needed to use the solution. It also contains the flash programmer, a command line tool for flashing software, configuring network and software parameters (SSID, access (...)
TI 15.4-Stack Gateway Linux Software Development Kit
The TI-15.4-Stack-Gateway-Linux Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a Linux software middleware for the TI 15.4-Stack companion solution. It includes a full Linux user-space software that runs on top of the TI Processor SDK for AM335x platform, which interfaces with the co-processor embedded (...)
Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
Code Composer Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for TI's microcontrollers and processors. It comprises a suite of tools used to develop and debug embedded applications. Code Composer Studio is available for download across Windows®, Linux® and macOS® (...)
System configuration tool
SysConfig is a configuration tool designed to simplify hardware and software configuration challenges to accelerate software development.
SysConfig is available as part of the Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment as well as a standalone application. Additionally SysConfig (...)
SimpleLink Connect mobile app
The SimpleLink Connect mobile app is an example Bluetooth® Low Energy application for mobile devices that works with CC23XX devices running the SIMPLELINK LOWPOWER SDK. The app provides a baseline for users to quickly build their own mobile apps, using iOS or Android. Source code is provided, (...)