Digital power ICs
Flexibility, efficiency and integration for your dynamic system needs
We offer the broadest portfolio of configurable and fully programmable digital-power solutions. Our solutions provide you with the flexibility, efficiency and integration to meet your dynamic system needs and reduce your total cost.
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Technical resources
Analog Design Journal
Digital current balancing for an interleaved boost PFC
This article discusses three digital-control methods for balancing inductor currents.
Introduction to Digital Power
This webinar is an introduction to the digial-power supply system for analog and digital engineers.
Digital Power Simplified
Watch this video to learn how digital power can be simplified using a method that separates time-critical tasks in the power supply from others and executes them with hardware blocks that run autonomous of the processor.
Design & development resources
Reference design
PMBus Power System for Enterprise Ethernet Switches Reference Design
PMP11399 is a complete PMBus power system for 3 ASIC/FPGA cores, DDR3 core memory, VTT termination, and auxiliary voltages commonly found on high-performance Ethernet Switches. The hardware is accompanied by a GUI that allows the user to perform real-time configuration and monitoring of the power (...)
Reference design
PM2.5 and PM10 Particle Sensor Analog Front-End for Air Quality Monitoring Reference Design
TIDA-00378 provides an analog front-end for measuring PM2.5 and PM10 particle matter. The reference design detects light scattered by particles suspended in air. A sample software algorithm is provided to convert the analog output of the design into a particle size and concentration measurement. (...)
Reference design
Low Noise High PSRR LDO Reference Design for Powering Hi-Fi Audio Application
The TIDA-00571 can provide very quiet output power for Hi-Fi audio application.