Create innovative and differentiated LED lighting systems with our highly efficient power management devices for high-density LED drivers with wide dimming range. Our capacitive touch MCUs with haptics drivers help you provide multi-sensory feedback for interactive control, environmental sensors with accurate position detection and multi-standard wireless connectivity for a dynamic, human-centric lighting experience.
Control de la iluminación
Iluminación exterior, de carreteras y para control de tránsito
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Application note
Isolated 70-W streetlight LED driver using UCC28810
LED lighting offers various advantages over incandescent bulbs, such as lower energy consumption, longer life, attainment of full brightness without need for a warmup time, and so forth. Read more.
Application note
PWM, analog dimming solution to implement 0.05% to 100% dimming range UCC28811
In this paper, read how the combined dimming solution (PWM and 1- to 10-V analog) based on the UCC28810/11 device is provided to meet today’s wider dimming range specification for the LED ceiling lamp application.
Application note
AN-1696 Designing a Boost LED Driver Using the LM5022 (Rev. B)
This application report provides a component-by-component design guide for a boost converter-based LED driver using the LM5022.